Mar 9, 2012

Give up..

"You know, saat sebuah ekstensi bisnis is drivin u crazy the whole time, mungkin ini kode Tuhan untuk aku berpikir ulang ya apakah harus memertahankannya atau engga"

"My opinion is maybe it's the temptation from God to know your seriousness in carrying out your business. :)"

"Hmmm.. I've been thinking the same way as yours and this is the third obstacle in the business. First one, I got up. Second, I'm standing still. Third? Mmmm. I don't think so. It's just overwhelming."

"Just do your best and let God do the rest. :)"

Itu BBM-an saya sama Mas Samuel. Kalau kata twitteran twitterawati: PECAAHHH!! <-- I don't know what the exact meaning ya, but it's just like the appropriate word for the condition. Hahaha. *toyorBulan*

And though I sound so desperate, fact is I'm not. Yeah of course I'm down with this kinda thing which has been drivin me craaazzzyyyy the whole time, tapi ngga sedesperate itu kok. Lama-lama terbiasa. Namanya juga bisnis. :D Cuma perlu berdoa dan menerka apa yang dimauin Tuhan. Hehehe.

Dan untuk pak tukang yang sekarang seneng beneeeerrr ngebacain blog saya, easy, ini bukan lagi ngomongin Moonaddict kok. We're good, Pak. We're good. Bear with me ya.. :))))

Senyum dulu ah.. :)


1 comment:

  1. Hi Pak Tukang..
    *apaan sih

    MoonAddict harus tetep dong!
    aku aja ga pernah menyerah mbak, dengan mencoba setiap ukuran dengan seksama :) :)
    and I think I will end up with 38 hahaha

    senyum dulu yuk!
