When I got angry, I turn to the dot com and buy plane ticket without full consideration..
Then, they get angry at me cus I'm buying the ticket without letting them know..
Then, their emotion pitch on my nerve and make me angry more..
And I buy another ticket..
And they get even madder..
And I buy another ticket brutally..
And they .... ah, it's a never ending story.. *sigh*
So, why do they get mad at me buying ticket when they know they start the pitch at the first place?
Kekekeke.. :p
Eeeeh, kemarin saya main-main sama laphotocabine. Gara-gara liat blognya Mbak Amesh. Hihihi. Just try it here.
Senyum dulu ah.. :)
UPDATE: Barusan ngitung berapa hari bakal tidak masuk kuliah (bukan, bukan bolos, cuma 'tidak masuk kuliah' saja :p). Satu semester, boleh tidak masuk 4kali per mata kuliah. Dengan perjalanan Thai-India dan Philippine maka Senin saya baru akan tidak masuk sekali (yang mana Senin kayaknya libur kuliah deh. -____-), Selasa 3kali, Rabu Kamis Jumat masing-masing 4kali. Huaaaaa.. Sudah habis masa tidak masuknyaaaa. Huaaaa... *nangis gerung-gerung* Piye ikiii?? :(
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